Tara Kim

Tara KimTara Kim has been dancing since the age of 18 months old. She started competing with CF Dance Academy in 2015 and trained in many styles: ballet, tap, jazz, contemporary, hip hop, lyrical, and the Cecchetti method of ballet from ages 9-18. She passed her Grade 9 Cecchetti exam and trained in Grade 10. She had danced at CF Dance Academy for seven years and was one of the senior captains of the Fullerton Youth Senior Ballet Company [FYB]. She was also a part of Sunny Hills High School Dance Production all throughout high school and was the captain during her senior year.
She had also been a part of the award-winning competitive group, Bring the Noise,  where she was in invited to audition for  America’s Got Talent. Tara has also participated in numerous competitions and events, such as Youth America Grand Prix, California Dance Classics, Showstoppers, Kids Artistic Revenue, Urban Street Jam, Maxt Out, Collaborations, Kidz Carnival, and CADTD, where she has received numerous awards and recognition for her group dances and solos. Alongside teaching and dancing, she is currently a full-time attending UC Berkeley where she is majoring in economics and minoring in dance.